Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Its Official!

Today was Jaysen's formal interview and he was accepted into the program on the spot! We are really excited for him to begin this journey!  Jaysen will need to attend  5 Orientation meetings between now and the departure and also will have monthly tests on the countries that he will be visiting. 

I will continue to Fundraise until May when the final payment is due, so if you are not in the position to help now, but can in the future, just know that even then, anything will be appreicated.

I have a fundraising meeting on October 27th where I will get some more watch for out for that!

Thanks again to everyone that has helped us along the way with donations, purchases, writing recommendations, or just your positive thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Jaysen,

    Way to go! I am so happy for you. I know you are going to get so much out of this and have a phenomenal time!

    I love you much,
