Saturday, October 24, 2009

1st Meeting and more

Today is the first offical get together for the group that Jaysen will travel with next summer.

Offical departure date is June 14th.

Cash Raffle tickets are still available...and will be extended into November since we havent had a lot of purchased...sure would like to see someone win $375!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cash Raffle Tickets

Hey everyone...the cash raffle is well on its way...for you to win the grand prize I need to sell all 250 please if you can, buy one, or see if a friend would like to get in on this great can will up to $375! Not bad for a $10 donation!  Remember, all proceeds will go to supporting the European trip that Jaysen will be taking in the summer of 2010.

* Also, our first offical fundraising event will be held on Oct 27th, so be on the lookout for other opportunities to help if your not able to buy tickets!  Thank you for all of your support!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Its Official!

Today was Jaysen's formal interview and he was accepted into the program on the spot! We are really excited for him to begin this journey!  Jaysen will need to attend  5 Orientation meetings between now and the departure and also will have monthly tests on the countries that he will be visiting. 

I will continue to Fundraise until May when the final payment is due, so if you are not in the position to help now, but can in the future, just know that even then, anything will be appreicated.

I have a fundraising meeting on October 27th where I will get some more watch for out for that!

Thanks again to everyone that has helped us along the way with donations, purchases, writing recommendations, or just your positive thoughts!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cash Raffle Tickets

Today is the first day of the Cash Raffle ticket sale! Thanks to everyone that has bought their tickets already.  I only have 100 tickets for sale on line, so be the first one to get yours! The drawing will be on October 30th, and you need not be present to win!  Those of you out-of-towners that have bought your tickets, if your a winner, I will send your funds to you certified mail!  

Thanks again!

Monday, September 14, 2009

First day up and running...

Thanks everyone for the feedback on the Blog! If you have any other fundraising suggestions...feel free to let me know. I think the 50/50 raffle will be a hit!  Dont forget, if you want a 2010 Entertainment book, just click on the button to order the book and it will send me a message...dont forget this is for the Metro Phoenix area only!  Thank you so much for all of your support!

Day 1 of the Journey

Orientation and application to the People to People Ambassador program was held at Hamilton High School in Chandler on Sept. 8th, 2009. I was able to see what the program had to offer, how it changed the lives of the students that were now "alumni" and view videos of the program. Next step is to fill out the application, obtain my recommendations and go to an interview. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Where we are with Fundraising?

So many of you may know the fundraising started a few weeks ago when my mom started selling date we are at $1200 in candle sales!

I anticipate the next batch of candles being available right before the holidays, so dont forget to get some then, they make great gifts for the holidays! (candles are only sold locally)

And to date $150 in donations!

2010 Entertainment Book

To help earn money for my trip, I am also selling the 2010 Entertainment book for $36.99 if I can hand deliver them, and 41.99 if you want me to mail it to you. Most of the proceeds go to the Lions Club ( A club dedicated to promoting responsible citizenship,good government,  community and national & international welfare). Just respond to the post to order for now. (Phoenix area only).  (click on the link to buy a book outside of Phoenix, no proceeds will go to us).

Donate and Buy Raffle Tickets

Since this life changing experience is a lot of money, my mom has come up with a 50/50 Raffle (thanks Ranae for the suggestion).  My intention is to run the raffle for 30 days, but if its popular, then I might cut it shorter. Basically if I raise $500, $250 goes to the raffle winner! Everyone loves money, and its like playing the lottery...but your chances are better here! Proceeds will go towards travel if you want, you can pay through the blog (on the left hand side of the page) or if you see me in person, let me know. Anyone can play as I can send the money certified funds to where ever you are! (US only)